There is no system in the world
that collects power plant data in such a comprehensive way as ORAP®. For more
than 38 years, the Operational Reliability Analysis Program (ORAP) has
been refined and enhanced to capture data from global operating power plants
(gas, steam, wind, and solar) as well as reciprocating engines. ORAP contains
detailed, reliability performance and outage event time-series data that allows
our customers to compare their performance against relevant “peer groups”
identifying differences and opportunities for improvement.
Data Collection and Visualization
data capture and reducing the effort required from plant staff is a key focus
of operating power plants in our digital world. Utilizing our established
ORAP Asset Insight® toolset provides you with access to your KPIs and analytics
in near real-time. Through our secure, cloud based business intelligence
portal, you have access to all of your ORAP data anytime you want. You
have the flexibility to see all of your data (and peer group benchmarking)
at a high level and then drill down into the statistics that mean the most to
you. You can customize your peer groups, time segments, as well as export all
of your data in either MS Excel or PDF for use in other
systems. Unique to our process is the fact that all data is validated
both by automated data rules as well as manually by our reliability data
experts according to industry standards.
Real-time Data Analytics – ORAP Data
Being informed and able to
PREDICT and PREPARE for adverse behavior of physical systems, components,
materials, and designs. The key is to have sufficient time and guidance
for cost effective corrective action. Data Fusion is a game-changing benefit
for Asset Managers and power plant operators. Answering the question, what, and
when, is the next significant event allows for action to be taken directly at
the plant to reduce disruptions, while also meeting changing service demands
based on required operating flexibility (e.g., fast starts, hard stops, rapid
ramp rates, load following).